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Join date : 2023-02-23

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Sat Aug 19, 2023 11:39 pm
In an effort to destigmatize social identities and encourage social justice for all oppressed groups, we are asking people to discuss their experiences with societal norms and toxic stigmas. A vital part of overcoming the patriarchal and capitalistic norms we suffer from is acknowledging the privilege and/or oppression that resides within each and every one of us, and developing empathy for the "opposite" identity. For example, those who are economically well-off need to recognize that their status is due in part to their privilege and that those in poverty aren't necessarily there due to lack of ability, the same way someone in poverty may need to recognize that while a well-off person has privileges they don't, not every well-off person is going to use their power to ignore/disrespect their experiences.

If you're struggling with what to post, consider the following questions:
- How do gender norms--or the expectation to subscribe to a gender and the qualities associated with it--hurt you? Do you have experience breaking these norms, and if so does it change the way people perceive you? How so?
- How do capitalistic values--or the expectation that identity or true happiness/satisfaction can be obtained through material objects or addiction, specifically to working--hurt you? Have they inhibited you from loving or taking care of yourself? How so?
- In what ways are you privileged? In what ways are you oppressed? Have you or do you struggle to feel empathy toward those belonging to the "opposite" identity? Why or why not?*

*When you think of privilege, think of subscribing to the "norm": white, heterosexual, cis-gendered, economically well-off, christian, skinny, young, able-bodied, American person.
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